Thursday, September 2, 2010

Multimedia firm Curtis Inc. consolidates space, upgrades equipment - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
million to consolidate its operations in The company, with 21 previously had a production facility at 2025 Reading Road, whicb it has relocated to 1105 Western Ave. And Curtids already owned a building at 1155Western Ave., wher e it had a full-service productionj stage. The company has combined the two, and it now will do all of its productionbin 20,000 square feet on Western “We gutted one building and refurbished it into studios with much bettet workflow,” said CEO Curtisz Sellers. Sellers owns the spacw on WesternAvenue – a 12,000-square-foot building and an 8,000-square-foot one. Sellers said, the move lowered his overhead.
The firm also spenr $300,000 on high-definition video and audio recording equipment upgrades. Curtis, foundesd in 1985 as a video duplication also has a new digital audio recording studio withfloatingf floor, suspended ceiling and adjustable The firm financed the project througu . For several years, Curtis has been a partner for , a Loveland-baseds distributor of equipment and suppliese to the printing andpublishing industries, said Cara spokeswoman for Xpedx. The videos are used in presentations and tradeshow exhibits. “The challengee is that our business is very hard to Tanner said.
“They talk about the 30-second elevator and we have about eight of those because of the scope ofour business. Curtiss has been good at picking up whowere are, what we do and who we’r e speaking to.” About 80 percent of clients are based in Greater Cincinnati, but the company’sz staff members also have worked in more than 30

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